It's finally October weather here. I've never been so happy to be chilly and damp at the same time. It really puts you in the mood for hot apple cider and pumpkin pie. The past few weeks were still basking in summer tempatures.
But what I like the most about these chilly damp days, is the upcoming holidays. It's really put me back in the creation mode in my basement studio. It may not be as grand as a spot as I had at Pajama Factory, but I don't have to pay rent either and I don't have to leave the house when I want to create.
The kids have been super anxious for Halloween. Even Mr. ChadT is dressing up this year for his students. I'm working on a King Kandy costume for him. It will feel good to have my sewing machine back out.
I'm planning on attending some local craft shows. Watch out on my Facebook page for where I'll be, I'll be giving a "secret word" and if you show up at the show and tell me the word, you'll get a free gift. :)
I can't help myself. I just have to be creative.
Nanowrimo is coming up and I'm plotting out a new novel. There is no such thing as writers block when you've got plenty of paper crafting, book binding, and things to create in the studio that help me plot my next scenes of a novel.
I'm just so happy it's fall.
Happy October everyone!!

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