The summer has just flown by and I swear I don't know here it went!!
Has school started where you all are at?
Just a few more days and the kiddos will be back in the education system during the day and mom here will have some more time to write and get some books made.
I know it's been a while since I've posted. I've been quite busy I assure you.
And I've made some more updates.
I've reinstated my newsletter. So if you were an old subscriber it will be coming back out here in September. For those of you who would like to join my mailing list you can do so by entering your email address on the sign up at right side of this website. (Note: Your email is safe with me. I respect your privacy and I do not share this information with anyone for any reason.) New subscribers will receive a 15% off coupon for subscribing. Previous subscribers, I've got you covered, you'll be receiving a special coupon in the next day or two before the new September newsletter goes out.
In the meantime, I'm preparing for upcoming events over the next few weeks.
August 28th - Muncy, PA - Fourth Friday Event 6-9pm Main St Muncy Open House in an old Victorian House.
August 29th - WBCW Book Fest at Memorial Park in Watsontown, PA.
September 12th - Beaverdale Book Fest - Beaverdale PA
September 19, 20 - New Germany Arts and Craft Festival, New Germany PA
I'll be adding October and November dates to the newsletter and updating the site with these soon.
Hope you all can come out and say hi if you're in the area. As always, thank you so much for your support over the years.
As always I'm working on some new designs for in the shop as well as a new novel that I hope to share with you all real soon. But please keep the custom orders coming, I love working with you all and making that special book that is just for you!