Every once in a while my kids will get ahold of my camera and take pictures that are not focused, of odd shapes, and make no sense at all. And, once in a while they always seem to pop up when I've had my photos developed.
Today, find one of these not so desirable pictures and grab a pair of scissors.
Cut the picture in ten different pieces. You can do this or you can give it to your child to do for you. Don't be surprised if your child gives you a funny look, especially if you've been teaching them only to write and cut paper. Just make sure they know this is a one time occassion where your pictures are concerned.
Now close your eyes and open up your journal. On the page you opened up to, glue or paste your picture pieces in any pattern you wish.
Now write a word beside each piece of the picture. Can't think of a word, ask your child or use their spelling word list for this week. Don't have young children? Grab a dictonary and flip through it finding ten random words.
What do you think? I bet it's a real piece of art.
Sit it up for display on your kitchen counter until you come back for tomorrow's challenge.
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