It's the night before Christmas and all through the house, excitement - pure and untainted - flows through our house. Children whisper and inside their little ambious hearts, expectations of a certain visitor arise. There is not one single corner within the house that is not decked with holly, mistletoe, or joy for what the evening will bring.
However,we are reminded that long ago another story came before then one being told from above.
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.... Upon this day of His birth, the sheperads came to see him from afar. They came, not bearing gifts, but tidings of good will to men and cheer.
Tonight, with little ones nestled in their beds with visions of Nintendo DS's, Video Games, and Toys in their heads, remember as your up late wrapping presents and searching for last minute gift stashes in the closet to reflect on the spirit of the holiday.
Tomorrow is a day of celebrations, of family gatherings, and of children's joy. Tomorrow is a day well remembered in our hearts from generation to generation, traditions long handed down, and sharing the love of one little babe whose birth started this splendid holiday.
There is another bedtime story that perhaps we overlook most often, the birth of Jesus. Tis the reason for the season, and whether your Christmas if filled with presents abundantly under the tree, or only three gifts, know the greatest gift is love.
Love is a book within itself, that never runs out of pages, has no end, and starts as a babe on Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!
See you all in the New Year.
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