Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Framed Wedding Invitation

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to take some time off and attend the wedding of a close relative. It was neat being able to sign one of my own hand crafted guest book albums at the reception.

Although, the weather was horrid, the wedding was beautiful. As you can see, as a gift I took the couple's wedding invitation and framed it.   The frame came from Micheal's and I took red scrapbook book paper (8.5" x 11") and cut it down to size.  Then I centered the invitation. 

This particular invitation opened with two flaps, so I cut the flaps off and put them in the top and bottom corners of the frame.

Someone had once done this with my wedding invitation and it still hangs in our home as cherished gift. This too, I hope will be appreciated by the happy newlyweds as the move into their own home and begin a life and family of their own.

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