Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sorry, No Custom Orders for the Summer

It rained last week. 

It's raining today, and although I'm grateful we're not having floods in this area like we did several years ago, I'm sad to say, my basement studio has accumulated water and is still drying. 

The rain today, doesn't help. 

I've had to tear up the mat flooring and it looks like we're going to have to reseal the basement and waterproof it. It's an old house, we've lived here for nearly seven years, I suppose this is just one of those every 10 - 20 year maintenance things for houses. 

It however, has put a big damper on book making. As you can see, everything has had to be packed up and moved to higher ground. Aka, my dining room and laundry room. 

It'll will be a few weeks before everything is dry and sealed and I'm able to work again. With that being said, I'll be traveling for a few writing conferences in the following weeks and the family vacation is around the corner. 

What does this all mean? 

Due to current circumstances, I will not be accepting any custom orders from now until June 4th. I have reduced the number of the listing in my etsy shop to the books and cards that are pre-made and ready to ship out. 

If you have placed a custom order in shop within the last week, don't worry, I'll have them shipped out shortly and within time of your event dates. 

My etsy shop will is going into vacation mode from June 7th through July 8th. 

Hopefully within this time our basement will be finished and / or I will have found a new place to set up my book studio again. 

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. 

Thank you for your understanding.

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